We aim to provide high quality services. However, if you have a complaint or are concerned about the treatment received from the doctors or any of the staff working in this practice, please let us know
How to complain - We hope that most of the problems can be sorted out easily and quickly, usually at the time they arise and with the person concerned. If your problem cannot be sorted out in this way and you wish to make a complaint, please do so as soon as possible (ideally within a few days) as this will help us find out what happened more easily.
Although you should try to make your complaint as soon as possible, we can consider complaints made within 6 months of the date of discovering the problem, provided this is not longer than 12 months after the event. If it is clearly unreasonable in the circumstances to make a complaint earlier and where it is still possible to investigate the facts of the case, we can consider extending this time limit.
Complaints should be addressed to the complaints officers who are Mrs. Ruth Timpany and Dr. M. Glover. Alternatively, you may ask for an appointment to discuss your concerns directly.
You can complain by -
Telephone 02892 666266 or
WHAT WE SHALL DO - We will acknowledge your complaint, normally within three working days of receipt, and aim to respond to the issues raised within ten working days. Should the complaint take longer than this to resolve, we will inform you accordingly. We shall then be in a position to offer an explanation, or a meeting with those involved. In investigating your complaint, we shall aim to:-
* Find out what happened and what went wrong
* Enable you to discuss the problem with those concerned or a nominated person
*Ensure you receive an apology, where this is appropriate.
Anonymised copies of all written complaints and our responses will be forwarded to the Health and Social Care Board within three working days of our written response being issued to you.
Complaining on behalf of someone else - You can also complain on someone else's behalf, although you will need their consent. A signed letter from the patient authorising you to act on their behalf will be required. If it is not possible for the patient to consent, the complaint can be brought by an advocate.
There is a suggestion box at the main reception and we welcome constructive suggestions.
FAMILY PRACTITIONER SERVICES - If you have a concern regarding a GP in the practice and do not want to approach the practice directly you can contact the Strategic Planning and performance Group (SPPG) of the Department of Health for advice and assistance.
The SPPG Complaints team may act as "Honest Broker". Within this capacity the SPPG complaints team will:-
Act as an intermediary between you and the practice.
Where appropriate make arrangements for independent expert advice, conciliation, lay person assistance, and
Ensure you are kept informed about the progress of your complaint.
Honest Broker is not an alternative to local resolution, nor is it an opportunity for the SPPG complaints team to take over investigation. It is about facilitating communications and building relationships between the practice/pharmacy and the complainant. As an "Honest Broker" the complaints team will also provide advice to both you and the complainant and the practice and facilitate/attend meetings. In addition, you or the practice can ask the SPPG Complaints Team to act in this role at any point in the complaints process; however agreement must be sought from both parties.
The SPPG Complaints Team are based at:- Complaints Department, 12-22 Linenhall Street, Belfast. BT2 8BS
If you have a complaint concerning a Family Practitioner Service, please contact the SPPG Complaints Team for advice and assistance. You may do this by:
Emailing -
Telephoning - 028 9536 3893
Text call - 18001 028 95363893
Calling in person
What happens next?
Your complaint will normally be:
Acknowledged within two working days. Investigated thoroughly
Treated confidentially
Responded to fully, in writing, within 20 working days
If there is to be any delay we will let you know the reason for this and when you may expect to receive a detailed reply.
At any stage a meeting can be arranged to discuss your complaint when you may be accompanied by a relative, friend or someone from the Patient and Client Council.
HSC Trust Complaints:-
Complaints will be handled directly the HSC Trusts in the first instance, under local resolution. Should you remain unhappy following consideration of the response you receive from the HSC Trust, you can approach the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman.
Under the HSC Complaints Procedure the SPPG Complaints Team will receive information relating to HSC Trust complaints for monitoring and performance management purposes, the SPPG Complaints Team will not investigate HSC Trust complaints.
If you are still dissatisfied - You an ask the Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman to investigate your complaint. Although you have the right to approach the Ombudsman at any time, she will not usually take on a case unless it has first been through the complaints procedure.
The Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman:
The NI Public Services Ombudsman, 33 Wellington Place, Belfast. BT1 6HN
Freephone: 0800 343 424
Text phone: 028 9089 7789
Please remember - The Patient and Client Council. Throughout the complaints investigation you also have a right to seek the help of the Patient and Client Council. The Council is an independent boy set up to represent your interest in health and social care. It is willing to assist you at any stage of your complaint by providing advice and support.
The Council can be contacted by:
Freephone: 0800 917 0222